So you’ve installed STM32CubeIDE (a.k.a. “Cube” or “the IDE”) and you’ve got a board with an STM32 on it. Time to get coding ! This page about setting up a project : the project itself is unimportant, so we’ll go with blinking an LED. That’s the “Hello World” of the microcontroller world.
Thank you very much for this tutorial. It was exactly what I needed to help get going with an stm32h750. I previously just use avrgcc toolchain and Geany as the IDE.
Glad I could help, Karl ! I intend to write a lot more about the STM32H750, which I use on larger projects like the ESRB (under “Computers” in the navigation tree) but I never have as much time I’d like. You may want to check back once in a while. Until then, have fun with your projects !